Our Menu
Signature Dishes
Presented by New Gen Head Chef Pak Chee Yit
Relish in familiar Cantonese flavours with an authentic yet innovative approach
20年绍兴酒醉鸡煲 Drunken Chicken Soup, 20 years Gu Yue Long Shan
泰国椰盅 宫廷秘制黄焖四宝羹 Four Treasure Soup
点心 Traditional Dim Sum
咕噜黑豚肉 Sweet and Sour Kurobuta Pork
茉莉茶香烟熏猪排 Jasmine Tea Smoked Ribs
黑椒酱爆澳洲和牛粒 Australian Rib-eye Beef, Sarawak black pepper
香煎和牛鹅肝黑椒汁 Pan Fried Wagyu Beef, Foie Gras, black pepper sauce
香酥鸭 Wok Fried Aromatic Crispy Duck
葱姜盐焗童子鸡 Salt-Baked Spring Chicken, Cordyceps flower
芒果莎莎乌梅芥末虾球 Ume Wasabi Prawn
白胡椒斯里兰卡螃蟹 Sri-Lankan Mud Crab, white pepper
姜葱波士顿龙虾焖生面 Boston Lobster Cantonese, wonton noodle